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Are you a Headway Sefton community member who would like share your story. Please email a photo, a short paragraph describing your jouney and any links to website or newspaper articles relating to your story to:


"Without headway in our lives we wouldn't understand how brain injuries effect everyone involved . We were at breaking point when we finally found Headway Sefton and since joining, our children have also been involved with headway and now they fully understand dad is still dad but just very different from before"

Click HERE for more details on Andrew's story on



"After my brain injury caused by a brain tumour, I became a patient and a medical case study. Attending Headway Sefton's Drop-in helped me with the emotional side of my recovery, so I could feel human again. Knowing that other people were facing similar challenges gave me perspective and helped me to learn new coping mechanisms. Attending the residentials with my son helps him to understand brain injury and how valuable my family has been to me throughout my recovery"

Click HERE for further details of Emma's story from 



"The biggest thing to deal with is the acceptance side of your trauma"

Click HERE for more details on Barry's story on


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